Conference on Research in Didactics of the Sciences,

DidSci+ 2018

25th-27th June 2018



Accommodation in Prague during the conference

Unfortunately all rooms in hotel Globus are already reserved. 

The accommodation for conference participants is at Hotel Globus (, see the application form.

The accommodation for conference participants in the Globus hotel at the time of the conference (from the 25th to the 26th June 2018) can be secured for everybody who sends the application in no later then 25th February 2018. Accommodation is possible in single or double rooms and has to be paid for by the participants according to the prices below, together with the conference fee.

Lunch and dinner at the time of the conference (25th and 26th June 2018) are provided at the Globus Hotel and are already included in the conference fee.

Accommodation outside the Globus Hotel has to be arranged and paid for by the conference participants.


The accommodation cost per 1 person and 1 night in a double-bed room (breakfast included)
……………………………………………………… 600 CZK / 24 EUR

The accommodation cost per 1 person and 1 night in a single-bed room (breakfast included)
……………………………………………………… 900 CZK / 38 EUR

The lunch cost per 1 person (27th June 2018)
……………………………………………………… 200 CZK / 10 EUR


Parking is possible at the Globus hotel parking lot.


The conference organizers presume that the participants who are not interested in the Globus hotel accommodation will ensure their accommodation in Prague individually.






telephone: +420 22195 1346


Photo by Valerii Tkachenko/ CC BY